Cash inflows from PPP, EIDL and other grant programs have alleviated immediate survival concerns for many Small Business owners. We are quickly turning our attention to revival of commerce – getting energy back in the system. It seems every state has done something to improve commerce in the last week, even if it may not seem like much.
I thought of our economy last week when my favorite spiritual guide, Father Richard Rohr, described “liminal spaces”:
Liminal space is an inner state and sometimes an outer situation where we can begin to think and act in new ways. It is where we are betwixt and between, having left one room or stage of life but not yet entered the next. We usually enter liminal spaces when our former way of being is challenged or changed… such space we are not certain or in control. The global pandemic we now face is an example of an immense, collective liminal space.
If the restart seems slow, it is precisely because we are required to think and act in new ways, both of which are much easier said than done. Old habits and ways of thinking die hard. If there is any comfort in the idea of accomplishing something so difficult, it is that changes typically only come from necessity. It takes quite a bit of energy to change. Most of us would prefer to coast.
Direction and energy are fundamental to the Bizzics model of building and sustaining momentum in business. We have touched on direction previously as a vector required for momentum to build. Energy without direction is simply heat. Today, we touch on direction as necessary to create energy in your business.
Creating Energy
We take our most basic direction from the natural world. Most electrical power generation systems work on the idea of magnetic induction. The word induce means persuasion, or to “cause by”. In magnetic induction systems, electricity is caused by a magnetic field. Whether a massive hydroelectric power station or a tiny circuit you can build in your garage, the principle is the same – a coil of tightly-wound wire spins around a magnet (or group of magnets). In that field, the magnet transfers energy to each strand of the wire coil. The sum of the charge in all strands becomes the total electric current which can power things as small as an LED light (garage version), or as large as entire geographies (hydroelectric powers station). The key takeaway is that the attractive (magnetic) force is the center of the action. Without it, there is no energy to be transferred.
The power source for any business is the magnetic field created by owners attracted to a compelling future state – new ways of serving underserved markets, opening new markets, improving delivery and service, building a great place to work. Or, in the case of this pandemic, even simply regaining the market presence and employees once had. Whatever it is, it must be clear and attractive. Some may just call it “passion” or “drive”, or “being a visionary”. In the magnetic field of those dreams and aspirations sit the constituents that can deliver its potential to the market – clients, employees, shareholders, suppliers, community stakeholders and advocates. These are the people that will have you burning bright in your competitive landscape.
In the liminal space, the business owner may not feel particularly attracted to a specific vision or outcome because the environment is just too hazy and unclear. It will come. In the meantime, there are still ways to heed Richard Rohr and think and act in new ways that can energize your business.
Four Good Energy-Creating Tips
What is your predominant thought? Predominant thoughts are a bit of a buzzword in the human potential industry. From a pure physics perspective, it is safe to say that particles have either a positive or negative charge. The great part is that in this case, you get to decide! And, I think it is fairly intuitive which is more attractive. Can you be excited about the future, or is it just too scary? One thing I can promise you is that you will be unable to lie about this. People will notice it in all your words and actions.
Act decisively on what you can act on today. It is clear to me that we will inch our way back to something that looks like what we once had. It will not happen all at once. As restrictions are relaxed, acknowledge and state publicly what actions you will take in light of them. Even doing nothing in the interest of employee and client safety is a strong statement that is highly attractive to some element of the population. Doing nothing may be the most decisive thing you can do given all factors. Communicate it.
Study the landscape and develop multiple options. While you may not be ready to act, engaging in detailed planning demonstrates proactivity. People are attracted to doers. Ask a lot of questions. Ask for opinions. Consider all available resources. Be ready when whatever happens, happens. The process itself is attractive.
Pull people into your magnetic field. The liminal space just sounds lonely, doesn’t it? Layer on self-quarantine and social distancing, and you can be rapidly and irreparably separated from the coil that carries your energy into the market. As you are studying the landscape and coming up with options, engage! Customers, employees, suppliers….so many people with whom you could check in with a few basic questions… ”What are you seeing?”, “What is your reaction to this idea?” “What are you planning to do?” Zoom and Facetime make it awfully easy, even for someone like me. I know of one business owner that took a step beyond curbside and started making pickups and deliveries herself – just to keep people in her magnetic field. The possibilities are too numerous to list.
At every stage of this recovery, you should strive to increase energy. The resulting momentum will be noticeable and helpful as you carve out a new space for yourself in the new reality.